Thursday, January 24, 2008
Yeah, I just copied the title concept of the Underworld. You remember the blog I had in college about this procrasti-dum-dum? Well, I thought I’ve shed the unproductive practice as I eased my way through graduation, but just today it occurred to me that all the clutters in my room, 4 unread books, the unfinished call-log file I took home, missing NCLEX requirements, the almost-untouched Rinehart material, and my white wristwatch that needs a battery change since 2 months ago could blame that habit for their dreary existence. I should’ve made a resolution last January 1 to always finish what you’ve started and do what you’re supposed to do on time. But I didn’t make any New Year’s resolution this year because, based on my experience, it’s not comforting to have one at all! Let’s say I promised to myself that I’ll clean my room at least every 2 days… That could make me feel good, right? Then after 3 weeks to 1 month (still based on experience) I’d realize I wasn’t able to follow. It would just make me feel so bad about myself. Kaya di ako gumawa… Hay.
So going back, I’m starting to feel a bit stressed out every time I go home from work. Should be the other way around, ‘di ba? But the piled-up desk work alone in my room makes me want to dive quickly for the bed and sleep and forget about everything. After all, I thought, I could finish them all maybe tomorrow, or the next day, or on weekends, or next month… Wait, next month??! I could almost hear Sixpence None the Richer singing in the background “There she goes… There she goes again…”
It’s not really my fault if you’ll analyze my situation. It’s just that I spend almost half of my Earth-rotation time at work and I’d go home very sleepy that cleaning off my desk is the last thing I would want to do. Then on Saturday, I go to the province (my “primary” home) and spend the entire weekend there. So goodbye for a while to my room in the city. There. It’s a vicious cycle. So how could I sneak a few hours into my schedule for the “completion” of my task without being puyat or absent sa work?
Oops. I remember something… Two words…
Time management.
Jay-Jay taught me this before. In College. When I used to eat stress for breakfast. How could I’ve forgotten? It’s the single most effective way to keep me organized.
But I forgot, how do you do that again? Hmm. Oh, yeah…
First, pray. Pray for strength, wisdom and willpower to stay organized.
Second, find a Word to inspire you.
Third, plan a course of action with a time frame.
Fourth… do it.
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